1º Emar
2º Lucas
3º Kings
4º Gordo
Campeonato muito disputado, com excelentes players e top decks.
Confira as Decklists do top 4.
1º - Emar - Jund Midrange:
2 Vampire Nighthawk
4 Huntmaster of the Fells
2 Olivia Voldaren
4 Thragtusk
2 Thundermaw Hellkite
1 Garruk Relenteless
1 Garruk Primal Hunter
2 Liliana of the Veil
4 Farseek
2 Rakdos Return
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Pilar of Flames
2 Dreadbore
2 Final Price
2 Abrupt Decay
2 Rakdos Keyrune
4 Blood Crypt
2 Dragonskull Summit
2 Forest
2 Kessig Wolf Run
1 Mountain
4 Overgrown Tomb
4 Rootbound Crag
4 Woodland Cemetery
1 Cavern of Souls
2 Deathrite Shaman
2 Server the Bloodline
2 Slaugter Games
2 Underworld Conections
3 Dures
2 Tragic Slip
2 Rolling Temblor
2º - Lucas - BG Zombies:
1 Lilian of the Veil
4 Blood Artist
3 Rancor
4 Diregraf Ghoul
4 Geral's Mensager
2 Killing Wave
4 Dred mangler
4 Gravecrawler
3 Lotleth trol
4 tragic Slip
4 Bloodthrone Vampire
8 Swamp
4 Golgari Guildgate
4 Woodland Cemetery
4 Cavern of Soul
1 Overgrown Tomb
1 Liliana of the Veil
2 Abrupt Decay
1 Killing Wave
2 Golgari Charm
3 Sever the Bloodline
1 Deathrite Shaman
3 Appetite for Brains
2 Vampire Nighthawk
4 Champion Of the Parish
3 Knight of Glory
3 Thalia, Guarian of thraben
4 Precinct Captain
3 Fiend Hunter
4 Silverblade paladin
3 Geist of Saint Traft
4 Lyev Skyknight
3 Sublime Archangel
2 Feeling of Dred
2 Spectral Flight
2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
9 Plains
2 Moorland Haunt
4 Cavern of Souls
4 Hallowed Fountain
4 Glacial Fortress
2 Faith's Shield
3 Elite Inquisitor
2 Riders of Gavony
3 Negate
2 Sincopate
2 Detention Sphere
1 Odric, Master Tactician
4º - Gordo - Junk Midrange:
4 Restoration Angel
3 Disciple of Bolas
2 Armada Wurm
4 Loxodon Smiter
3 Wolfir Silverheart
4 Thragtusk
2 Vampire Nighthawk
2 Garruk Relentless
2 Oblivion Ring
2 Selesnya Charm
3 Farseek
2 Abrupt Decay
3 Arbor Elf
2 Avacyn’s Pilgrim
4 OvergrouwnTomb
4 Temple Garden
2 Isolated Chapel
2 Sunpetal Grove
1 Woodland Cemetery
1 Vault of Archangel
1 Gavony Township
3 Forest
1 Plains
1 Swamp
2 Cavern of Souls
1 Sigarda, Host of Herons
1 Yeva, Nature’s Herald
3 Golgari Charm
4 Faith’s Shield
1 Nevermore
2 Rest in Peace
2 Server the Bloodline
1 Enthreat the Angels
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